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Tag: new york city

The Grim Reaper appears on Google Maps Street View

by evking22 on Sep.15, 2019, under 3D Models, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, California, Denmark, England, Germany, Google Earth News, Google Earth Tips, Google Sky, Google maps, Hawaii, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Natural Landmarks, Netherlands, Sightseeing, Street Views, USA

The Grim Reaper can be seen casually crossing a street on Google Maps Street View. This happened in Manhattan, New York City. The images were taken back in October 2017, around the time of Halloween. Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Larger

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Looking at the new 3D in New York City

by Timothy Whitehead on Dec.17, 2014, under 3D Models, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, California, Denmark, England, Germany, Google Earth News, Google Earth Tips, Google Sky, Google maps, Hawaii, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Natural Landmarks, Netherlands, Sightseeing, Street Views, USA

Last week Google updated the 3D imagery for New York City and San Francisco. We had a brief look at New York and noted a problem with Street View crashing Google Earth. We also had a look at some interesting effects in the 3D around San Francisco.

GEB reader Jebster noted that the New York streets seemed curiously free of cars. Closer inspection reveals ghostly images of cars, and in some cases multiple images of the same car. It appears Google is using a new technique that we have not seen before, which involves merging multiple images. The overall result is that the roads appear to have fewer cars than one would expect. We do not see this technique being used in the San Francisco imagery.

Ghost cars
Ghostly images of cars in New York City.

John F. Kennedy airport
Some particularly good aircraft models at John F. Kennedy airport suggest Google manually improved on them. A noticeable absence of aircraft on the runways of what is a very busy airport suggests they were removed with the same technique used for moving cars.

Bridge overlap
There is an overlap between the old and new 3D imagery and they are not aligned perfectly, resulting in this broken bridge.

See the features discussed above in Google Earth by downloading this KML file

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New York City gets fresh 3D Imagery

by Mickey Mellen on Apr.15, 2013, under 3D Models, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, California, Denmark, England, Germany, Google Earth News, Google Earth Tips, Google Sky, Google maps, Hawaii, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Natural Landmarks, Netherlands, Sightseeing, Street Views, USA

Google’s “3D Imagery” has finally arrived in the largest city in the United States — New York!


As with other cites that have this new imagery, it looks stunning from the air but looks blocky when you get down low.


In all of the cities we’ve seen so far, flat surfaces like roads simply aren’t flat.  That’s likely due to the fact that streets are covered with vehicles when the imagery is captured, but it makes for poor viewing in Google Earth.  Over time I expect this flaw will be remedied by Google, perhaps when combined with Street View imagery to get better-looking roads and facades.

In fact, the lifelike facades that Google added back in 2010 were one of my favorite features as they made cities really come to life!  New York in particular was absolutely amazing with those facades, as it made it very realistic.  Now those facades are gone and it’s quite a mess when you dive down to street-level view.  As an example, below are two pictures of Times Square using the old and new imagery:

Old imagery / buildings New 3D Imagery

It’s really kind of sad.  However, I see this as being similar to the early days of the digital camera.  Some people laughed at them because they were so inferior to standard cameras in terms of quality, but the technology was the difference and the quality caught up.  Google’s bet seems to be that their techniques for the 3D Imagery will improve over time and make it worthwhile.  Plus, they’re clearly going to keep pushing Street View so I’d be surprised if the two don’t meet up again at some point in the future.  Using the 3D Imagery to create the models and then applying Street View imagery to smooth things out at the ground level could work very well.

For now, enjoy the scenic New York skyline but switch back to “legacy 3D buildings” (under [Tools] –> [Options]) if you want to zoom in close.

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